Establish a personal connection - increase giving


When a donor gives online, it seems only natural that you respond in the same way. However, this does not work to establish a personal connection—which is the key to increased giving.

Work a step into your process that initiates offline communication with the donor. Depending on the gift, you may want to make a personal phone call or acknowledge the gift with a note, as well as acknowledging online.

Personalize your response further by recognizing the initial motivation for giving. The second solicitation to a donor who’s made a memorial gift in the name of someone who suffered from a disease you represent might well be an appeal for research funds or other efforts to serve those who share the diagnosis. The second solicitation to someone who’s responded to an environmental appeal might focus on a related environmental project.

Move the relationship from the relative anonymity and detachment of the online relationship to creating a personal connection, the donor’s sense of investment in and belonging to your organization.

Converting an online donor to an engaged friend of your organization is well worth this small extra effort!


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