Childhood Cancer Awareness Campaign: 8 Workplace Giving Email Templates

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month is a great opportunity for your organization to rally around a meaningful cause. By leveraging the power of your workplace giving program, you can significantly impact the lives of children battling cancer. Let’s take a closer look at what this month is all about and why it matters.

What Is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month?

Every September, people come together to recognize Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. It's a time dedicated to shining a light on pediatric cancer, honoring the brave kids and families dealing with it, and pushing for more research and funding. During this month, you'll see a lot of gold ribbons, which symbolize strength, courage, and hope. Communities and organizations host events, share stories, and raise money to support better treatments and care for kids fighting cancer. It's all about spreading awareness and showing support for these young warriors.

How Do We Increase Our Fundraising Efforts?

We all know that crafting compelling email communications is essential to driving employee participation and maximizing your fundraising efforts.  Email campaigns can help raise awareness about the cause, share compelling stories, and highlight ways to give. That's why we designed these email templates to help you easily inspire your employees and encourage generous contributions to your Childhood Cancer Awareness Month campaign this September.




8  Childhood Cancer Awareness Email Templates for Workplace Giving Campaigns

Email Campaign #1: Send Your Kick-Off Announcement

Subject: Make a Difference This September: Support Kids Fighting Cancer! 

Hi everyone, 

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness and critical funds for research that helps children battling all forms of this devastating disease. 

Here at [Company Name], we're proud to announce our workplace giving campaign in partnership with [Nonprofit Name], a fantastic organization dedicated to [briefly describe their mission]. 

Throughout September, we have the opportunity to make a real impact on the lives of these brave kids and their families. 

Stay tuned for more information about upcoming events and how you can easily donate through our secure workplace giving platform. 

Let's show our strength and compassion for these amazing children! 


Email Campaign #2: Share the Impact

Subject: Every Dollar Counts: See How Your Donation Makes a Difference! 

Hi team, 

Did you know that a child is diagnosed with cancer every 80 seconds [ACCO]? 

This September, during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we're partnering with [Nonprofit Name] to raise funds that will directly impact these brave kids. 

Through our workplace giving program, your pledge can help: 

    • Fund crucial research 
    • Provide support services to families 
    • Offer hope for a brighter future 

Here's a quick glimpse into how your donation can make a positive impact: 

    1. $[Donation Amount]  covers the cost of [example: three comfort kits] for children undergoing treatment.
    2. $[Donation Amount] contributes to research for new and innovative treatments. 

Visit our workplace giving portal at [link] to learn more about [Nonprofit Name], our partnership this September, and guidance on how to participate. 


Download: Toolkit for Increasing Workplace Giving Participation


Email Campaign #3: Highlight Employee Stories

Subject: Our Team Makes a Difference: Meet [Employee Name] 

Hi everyone, 

This September, we're showcasing how our team is making a difference during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. 

Today, we'd like to introduce you to [Employee Name], who has a personal connection to this cause. 

[Share a brief, personal story from the employee about why they support Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.] 

Are you inspired by [Employee Name]'s story?  We make it easy for you to make a difference, too! Join us in supporting children fighting cancer by pledging to one of the childhood cancer awareness organizations we highlight on the webpage. Visit [link] to get started. 


Email Campaign #4: Offer Matching Gifts

Subject: Double Your Impact: [Company Name] Matches Your 🎗️ Donation! 

Hi team, 

Fantastic news!  [Company Name] will match your donations to a childhood cancer awareness organization of your choice, dollar for dollar! 

This means your contribution goes even further in supporting these incredible kids and their families. 

Head over to our workplace giving portal at [link] to choose your pledge amount and make a difference today! 


Email Campaign #5: Introduce Fun and Engaging Activities

Subject: Upcoming Activities for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month 

Hi team, 

Let's have some fun while raising awareness for childhood cancer! 

Throughout September, we'll be hosting a variety of engaging activities, including: 

[List a few fun activities, like dress-down days with a donation, team trivia with a childhood cancer awareness-related theme, or online silent auction.] 

These activities are a great way to show your support and connect with your colleagues for a worthy cause. 

Stay tuned for more information and get ready to make a difference! 

Quick reminder: Taking part in these activities—and the Childhood Cancer Awareness Month campaign as a whole—is completely optional. 


Email Campaign #6: Announce an Employee Volunteer Day

Subject: Give Back: Join Us for a Day of Volunteering 

Hi Team, 

In addition to our Childhood Cancer Awareness fundraising efforts, we’re excited to offer an opportunity to give back directly to our community. We're inviting you to join us for an optional volunteer day on [Date] in support of [Nonprofit Name]. 

This is a chance to make a tangible difference in the lives of children battling cancer. We'll be [briefly describe volunteer activities, e.g., packing care packages, helping at a local hospital, or participating in a community event]. 

We understand that everyone has different commitments, so this day is entirely optional. Even a few hours of your time can make a big impact. 

To sign up or learn more, please visit [link to sign-up page]. 

Let's come together to support our community and create a lasting impact. 


Download: Ultimate Handbook on Workplace Volunteering Programs


Email Campaign #7: Add Urgency for a Final Push

Subject: Only a Few Days Left to Give 🎗️ 

Hi team, 

September is drawing to a close, but there's still time to make a significant impact! 

Our Childhood Cancer Awareness Month campaign ends on September 30th, and we're aiming to reach our fundraising goal of [amount]. Now is a great time to head over to our charitable giving portal if you're planning to pledge! 

Remember, your contribution helps fund crucial research, provides support services for families, and offers children battling cancer hope for a brighter future. 

Visit our workplace giving portal at [link] to pledge today! 


Email Campaign #8: Say “Thank You”

Subject: A Heartfelt Thank You for Your Heart of Gold! 

Hi [First Name], 

We want to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who participated in our Childhood Cancer Awareness Month campaign last month!  

Together, we raised [amount] in support of children fighting for their lives.  We are truly humbled by your compassion and commitment to giving back. 

Thank you for “going gold.” 🎗️ 


See How Workplace by FrontStream  Can Help Your Company Raise  More for Worthy Causes


 Reach out to our workplace-giving experts to learn more.

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