The list below contains result codes returned in the Result response field of the API or GUI AuthCode field. A decline returned by the payment processor for the API response field is value twelve (12) or thirteen (13). An approval is value zero (0). Any other value is an error code, which is returned by ArgoFire and not by the payment processor. Please note that when programmatically validating a transaction’s result, from the API, this value should be used instead of any response message describing the result. I.e. do not use RespMSG or Message response fields, as these values may vary. Please note that this list is subject to change without prior notice.
Value | Description |
-100 | Transaction NOT Processed; Generic Host Error |
0 | Approved |
1 | User Authentication Failed |
2 | Invalid Transaction |
3 | Invalid Transaction Type |
4 | Invalid Amount |
5 | Invalid Merchant Information |
7 | Field Format Error |
8 | Not a Transaction Server |
9 | Invalid Parameter Stream |
10 | Too Many Line Items |
11 | Client Timeout Waiting for Response |
12 | Decline |
13 | Referral |
14 | Transaction Type Not Supported In This Version |
19 | Original Transaction ID Not Found |
20 | Customer Reference Number Not Found |
22 | Invalid ABA Number |
23 | Invalid Account Number |
24 | Invalid Expiration Date |
25 | Transaction Type Not Supported by Host |
26 | Invalid Reference Number |
27 | Invalid Receipt Information |
28 | Invalid Check Holder Name |
29 | Invalid Check Number |
30 | Check DL Verification Requires DL State |
40 | Transaction did not connect (to NCN because SecureNCIS is not running on the web server) |
50 | Insufficient Funds Available |
99 | General Error |
100 | Invalid Transaction Returned from Host |
101 | Timeout Value too Small or Invalid Time Out Value |
102 | Processor Not Available |
103 | Error Reading Response from Host |
104 | Timeout waiting for Processor Response |
105 | Credit Error |
106 | Host Not Available |
107 | Duplicate Suppression Timeout |
108 | Void Error |
109 | Timeout Waiting for Host Response |
110 | Duplicate Transaction |
111 | Capture Error |
112 | Failed AVS Check |
113 | Cannot Exceed Sales Cap |
201 | FPRejected_Floor |
202 | FPRejected_Ceiling |
203 | FPRejected_IP |
204 | FPRejected_BIN |
205 | FPRejected_Velocity |
1000 | Generic Host Error |
1001 | Invalid Login |
1002 | Insufficient Privilege or Invalid Amount |
1003 | Invalid Login Blocked |
1004 | Invalid Login Deactivated |
1005 | Transaction Type Not Allowed |
1006 | Unsupported Processor |
1007 | Invalid Request Message |
1008 | Invalid Version |
1010 | Payment Type Not Supported |
1011 | Error Starting Transaction |
1012 | Error Finishing Transaction |
1013 | Error Checking Duplicate |
1014 | No Records To Settle (in the current batch) |
1015 | No Records To Process (in the current batch) |
The following table contains the possible response values returned for address verification (AVS).
Value | Description |
X | Exact: Address and nine-digit Zip match |
Y | Yes: Address and five-digit Zip match |
A | Address: Address matches, Zip does not |
Z | 5-digit Zip: 5-digit Zip matches, address doesn’t |
W | Whole Zip: 9-digit Zip matches, address doesn’t |
N | No: Neither address nor Zip matches |
U | Unavailable: Address information not available |
G | Unavailable: Address information not available for international transaction |
R | Retry: System unavailable or time-out |
E | Error: Transaction unintelligible for AVS or edit error found in the message that prevents AVS from being performed |
S | Not Supported: Issuer doesn’t support AVS service |
B | * Street Match: Street addresses match for international transaction, but postal code doesn’t |
C | * Street Address: Street addresses and postal code not verified for international transaction |
D | * Match: Street addresses and postal codes match for international transaction |
I | * Not Verified: Address Information not verified for International transaction |
M | * Match: Street addresses and postal codes match for international transaction |
P | * Postal Match: Postal codes match for international transaction, but street address doesn’t |
0 | ** No response sent |
5 | Invalid AVS response |
* These values are Visa specific. ** These values are returned by ArgoFire and not the processor.
The following table contains the possible response values returned for a CVV2/CVC2/CID check.
Value | Description |
M | CVV2/CVC2/CID Match |
N | CVV2/CVC2/CID No Match |
P | Not Processed |
S | Issuer indicates that the CV data should be present on the card, but the merchant has indicated that the CV data is not present on the card. |
U | Unknown / Issuer has not certified for CV or issuer has not provided Visa/MasterCard with the CV encryption keys. |
X | Server Provider did not respond |
Copyright 2025 FrontStream Holdings, LLC.
FrontStream Payments is a registered ISO/MSP of Elavon, Inc, Georgia, First National Bank of Omaha, Omaha, NE, Citizen Bank N.A.,
Providence, RI, and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Concord, CA., Peoples Trust Company, Vancouver, Canada