
This Web service operation retrieves returned or rejected check transactions for a merchant. The URL to access this Web service is:

Descriptions of the parameters are listed below.

Parameter Description
UserName Required. User name assigned in the payment server
Password Required. Password for the user name assigned in the payment server
MerchantKey Required. The Merchant Key (also called Vendor or RPNum or Merchant Number) to uniquely identify merchant’s account for the query
BeginDt Required. The begin date of the date range in MM/DD/YYYY format.
This date will be converted to MM/DD/YYYYT00:00:00:0000AM.
Note that BeginDt and EndDt refer to dates when transactions were returned or rejected, not to transaction dates.
EndDt Optional. The end date of the date range in MM/DD/YYYY format.
This date will be converted to MM/DD/YYYYT12:59:59:9999PM.
If not provided, end date will be midnight of beginning date.
ExtData Optional. Extended data in XML format. Reserved for future use.