This webservice allows for the management of customer information. This web service can be accessed by this url: Descriptions of the parameters are listed below.

Parameter Description
Username Required. The username of the admin user
Password Required. The password of the admin user.
TransType Required. The type of transaction being performed. The valid values are: ADD UPDATE DELETE
Vendor Required. The numerical Vendor/Merchant Key.
CustomerKey Required. The numerical customer key.
CustomerID Required. A merchant supplied a unique indentifier for a customer.
Customer Name Required. The customer’s name is to be submitted in this field.
FirstName Optional. The customer’s first name.
LastName Optional. The customer’s last name.
Title Optional. The customer’s title.
Department Optional. The customer’ department.
Street1 Optional. The customer’s street address 1.
Street2 Optional. The customer’s street address 2.
Street3 Optional. The customer’s street address 3.
City Optional. The customer’s city.
StateID Optional. The customer’s 2 character State Code.
Province Optional. The customer’s province if it is outside the USA.
Zip Optional. The customer’s zip code if in the USA, postal code if outside the USA
CountryID Optional. The customer’s 3 character country code, for example, USA or CAN.
DayPhone Optional. The customer’s day phone.
NightPhone Optional.The customer’s evening phone.
Fax Optional. The customer’s fax number.
Email Optional. The customer’s email address.
Mobile Optional. The customer’s mobile phone.
Status Optional. Status of the contract.
ExtData Optional. Extended Data.


– <RecurringResult xmlns:xsd=”” xmlns:xsi=”” xmlns=””>

<CheckInfoKey />
