
Trusted by 10,000 nonprofit organizations, including 65 Habitat for Humanity chapters in North America

Fundraising tools designed for Women Build, Veterans Build, Global Village trips and community events.

Download a Habitat fundraising kit!

Donation forms for every project or appeal

Easy-to-use templates will get you off to a quick start. Create a unique, branded donation form in under 30 minutes with options for donors to cover your transaction fees.

Runs, walks, rides and more

Full peer-to-peer fundraising event or “a-thon” management. Registration fees, team sign-up, editable emails, social media, and mobile optimization is all included!

Tickets for everything and anything

Sell tickets to events, galas, tournaments, or special occasions like potlucks and corporate activities!

Giving Days and Awareness Months

Launch a single day campaign like #GivingTuesday with a customized page tracking donations towards your goal.

Exciting and dynamic auctions

Manage a silent auction with easy check-out and the option to place your items online ahead of time to take bids and generate buzz.

Sell special merchandise

Set up a shopping cart to sell Habitat merchandise like t-shirts, hats, donated items – anything you like!


“FrontStream is vital to our day-to-day, which allows our day-to-day to change someone’s life.”

Sarah Golan, Senior Manager of Brand Strategy and Marketing , Habitat for Humanity Halton-Mississauga